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Playing With the Task Parallel Library

They say you only really understand something if you can explain it. I wanted to blog about asynchronous controllers, but accidentally learned a lot about the Task Parallel Library and C#. I also learned that I was mixing up two completely different concepts: asynchronous and parallel.

Or, how one blogpost became two. First: Asynchronous!

Imagine a controller that needs to combine data from three different sources. The three subsystems are slow and it takes a while before you get your answer:

public class TestOutput
    public string One { get; set; }
    public string Two { get; set; }
    public string Three { get; set; }

    public static string DoWork(>string input)
        return input;

public class SerialController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        var output = new TestOutput();
        output.One = TestOutput.DoWork("1");
        output.Two = TestOutput.DoWork("2");
        output.Three = TestOutput.DoWork("3");

        return View(output);

It would be a silly to wait six seconds for three things that are completely separate from each other. You can call the three sources together and wait for the results. In the olden days that would mean implementing the BeginMethod/EndMethod pattern. That’s really complicated and involves doing all kinds of dirty stuff with threads.

Luckily, there are a enough people at Microsoft that enjoy doing dirty stuff with threads. These have given us the Task Parallel Library (TPL). This Library contains a bunch of classes and methods that abstract away the dirty stuff.
The base of the TPL is the Task class. A Task contains a delegate to a function that does the actual work. Once the work is done, the Task can give the result to another delegate that can do something useful.

Thanks to lambda functions and a bunch of helpers, you can define a Task like this:

string result;

    () => TestOutput.DoWork("One")
    s => result = s.Result

The TPL also contains all the tools to wait for the result. This will transform the action in our controller to this:

public ActionResult Parallel()
    var output = new TestOutput();

        Task.Factory.StartNew(() => TestOutput.DoWork("One")).ContinueWith(s => output.One = s.Result),
        Task.Factory.StartNew(() => TestOutput.DoWork("Two")).ContinueWith(s => output.Two = s.Result),
        Task.Factory.StartNew(() => TestOutput.DoWork("Three")).ContinueWith(s => output.Three = s.Result)

    return View("index", output);

If we call this action method, we get a result back after two seconds. Of course your PC needs to have enough threads to do the work simultaneously. Setting this up and handling the result is nicely handled by the TPL.
But our server is still ‘busy’ doing nothing while we wait for the results. We can do better, but that is for the next post.